CategoriesCashews Heath Tips

Health benefits of cashew nuts

Isn’t it almost impossible to keep yourself from finishing a pack of cashews once you open one? We can relate! And honestly, there is very little reason to stop because these nuts are packed with the goodness of nature.

Native to north-eastern Brazil, the evergreen cashew tree made its way to Goa in India with Portuguese sailors between 1560 and 1565. The Portuguese named it ‘Caju’ which is how it got its informal name.
The nut grows attached to cashew apple which is sugary sweet when ripe and is famously used by Goans, to brew a very potent spirit called ‘Feni.’ That’s right! And not many people know that the fruit can be consumed as it is when ripe and has a very distinct sweet flavour.
The nut grows attached to cashew apple which is sugary sweet when ripe and is famously used by Goans, to brew a very potent spirit called ‘Feni.’ That’s right! And not many people know that the fruit can be consumed as it is when ripe and has a very distinct sweet flavour.
But enough about the cashew apple. The cashew nut is the real showstopper with high protein content and other essential nutrients. Let’s explore a few health benefits of cashew nuts.
The Nutritional Profile

Cashew nut is one of the most nutritious nuts out there. Although you should not consume it in big portions due to the presence of high-calorie content. But apart from calories, cashews are rich in many beneficial nutrients like –

• Essential fatty acids
• Vitamin E, and Vitamin K
• Minerals – calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and folate
• Antioxidants
• Fiber
• Proteins and carbs

Boosts Immunity

Cashew nuts are a storehouse of zinc which helps boost immunity as it is essential in cell processes. Regulated consumption of cashews can give you the necessary dose of zinc and nutrients that eventually increase your immunity.

Improved Brain Function

The brain is the most active organ of our body and demands a steady supply of fatty acids from our diet to stay active. Cashew nuts contain loads of these brain-boosting fatty acids that may help keep your memory sharp. To improve brain function, try eating cashews soaked overnight.

Help maintain eye health

Cashews have antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein that naturally protect from UV rays. These antioxidant pigments naturally occur in the eyes and are an essential defence against damaging light and eating cashews may reduce the risks of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts by supplying these nutrients.

Did you know Dnine offers 13 different varieties of cashews and all without any added chemicals? You can choose the Cashew (Oven Dried) W 320 Regular Size for your cooking purposes and for your snack-y mood there is galore – Spicy & Curry Leaves Flavour, Onion Pepper Flavour, Tandoori Flavour, and many more exciting ones – all as healthy as the other.